Membership & Other Ways to Support Camp Hill Democrats
Support our mission and our goals to promote our website, causes, and candidates. Scroll down for online payment link. Printable form available for mailing. We need your help -- thank you!
A contribution of $25 or more will automatically include benefits of membership if your primary residence is in the Borough of Camp Hill and you are a registered Democrat.
Who can join Camp Hill Democrats?
Registered Democrats whose primary residence is in Camp Hill Borough are welcome to join us.
Monthly work meetings are typically held on the third Tuesday of each month.
Benefits of official membership in Camp Hill Democrats:
Dues-paying members take an active role in decision making by voting on proposed activities, elections of officers, and more!
FREE Camp Hill Dems car magnet with new membership.
Dues are reasonable, $25 annually, paid at the beginning of each year.
Click here to join and pay your dues online.
Want to mail your membership check instead?
Click here for a printable membership form.
Make your check payable to Camp Hill Democrats.
Indicate that your check is for membership.
Include your email address to ensure you receive meeting notifications and membership-specific information.
Mail your completed form and check to Camp Hill Democrats, PO Box 1415, Camp Hill, PA 17001 (zip code IS correct!)
Thank you!